Two myths about kitchen benchtops

Here are some myths about kitchen benchtops.

Myth: Families with young children can't have white kitchen benchtops

Many people love the fresh, modern and clean look of a white kitchen benchtop. However, there is a myth that families with young children, who may knock over their drinks and spill foods on a regular basis, should not have white benchtops, as these regular spillages will supposedly leave visible, permanent stains on this type of light-coloured benchtop.

In reality, if a family wants to get a white benchtop, they can do so, provided they pick one that is stain-resistant. For example, white quartz is incredibly high-quality and resistant to most stains, providing spillages are mopped up fairly quickly. There are even some affordable laminate benchtops that are stain-resistant. Whilst this does not mean that they are impervious to all stains, it does mean that they won't be ruined by the occasional splatter of soup or some orange juice that gets spilled on them.  

Families who want these light-coloured benchtops can also take a few extra precautions when preparing or eating food on them with their family. For example, when their kids are having a meal at the kitchen island with its white laminate worktop, they can lay a plastic tablecloth over it for the duration of this meal or use extra-large placemats to protect it.

Myth: Wood benchtops are more durable than laminate

The other myth about benchtops for kitchens is that solid wood ones are always more durable than laminate ones. Whilst there is not entirely incorrect, the truth is a bit more complex. Whilst, for example, wooden benchtops are great at withstanding the heat of hot saucepans and won't scratch too easily if knives or heavy utensils are dropped on them, their long-term robustness is dependent on their owners' willingness to take care of them. Wooden benchtops need to be oiled several times a year and may need to be refinished once every few years. If they don't receive this maintenance, they will deteriorate.

Conversely, whilst laminate benchtops may not be quite as great at handling impact, they need little maintenance (other than basic cleaning) and can look great for years, as long as their owners are cautious about placing hot objects or dropping heavy items on them. As such, if a person doesn't have time to do much maintenance but is prepared to be extra careful when using their benchtop, laminate might be more suitable for their kitchen than wood.
